To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
City Hall
What hours is City Hall open?
City Hall is open Monday - Friday 8Am - 5Pm.
Do I need a permit to hold a yard Sale?
No, we do not require permits for yard sales. Yard sales can not be any longer than 3 consecutive days, and up to 4 sales can be held in a calendar year. Signs shall not be posted more than three days prior to the sale, and signs need to be removed within 24 hours of the ending of the sale.
Public Works Department
Can you excavate dirt within City limits?
No, other than residental or commercial landscaping, excavating is prohibited without a permit.
Can I break or cut into the street or sidewalk?
No, You can contact our office. We will send someone out to discuss options with you to meet your needs.
Do I need a permit to put up a fence?
You do not need a permit to put up a fence. We do ask if you have a corner lot. Call us before it's installed. We want to make sure there are no traffic visibility issues.
Can grass clippings be dumped over your fence or blown into the street?
NO, you can actually receive a fine for this type of violation.
Building Safety
What is the process for getting a building permit?
Take a moment to read all required information provided. Then print and fill out the building permit application form and return to the building department at city hall. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We will be happy to help you.
Application Process
I am interested in applying for a job with the City of Centerton, what do I do?
You will need to fill out an application if available. Please ensure you meet the qualifications for the position you wish to be considered for. If you would like to include a resume, simply attach it to the completed application. You may email the application and resume to careers@centertonar.us or drop it off at City Hall.
Does the City of Centerton hire part time employees?
Occassionally the city will have the need for temporary, part-time and/or seasonal employees, but the city will not hire anyone less than sixteen (16) years of age for these jobs.
Do I need a permit to Cover Patio?
Depends, will it be attached to the home? If yes, a site plan with details of construction will be requireed for submittal and reviewed. Site plan will require measuements for building setback and easements.
Is Electric being installed? If yes, permits are required.
If it is not attached to house will it be attached to a permanent foundation? If it is protable (not permanently fixed to any foundation as such, a footing, slab, etc.) then it is required to follow accessory structure requirements. A site plan required to be submitted for review.
Do I need a permit to put a Shed/Storage building in my rear/Back yard? Ord. No. 97-8, Ch 2
Depends, is it going to be fixed on a foundation? If so, there are requirements that pertain (site olan, easements, etc.)
If it is portable(not permanently fixed to foundation) and less than 200 square feet, no permit will be required.
is Electric being installed? If Yes, permits are required.
Do I need a permit to extend my Uncovered / Covered Patio?
Depends, is it attached to home? If so, the patio is considered part of home and must stay within the building setback. Depending on type of construction; a permit may be required.
Do I need a permit to install a Privacy Fence?
Depends, if your fence is taller than 7 feet, then yes. If not then you must adhere to Ord. 97-8 Sec. 2 for requirements. If you are located on a corner lot you need to contact Code Enforcement, Jonathan Easterling jeasterling@centertonar.us for Requirements.
Do I need a permit to Extend Driveway?
Depends, for all driveway, curb or street requirements contact Code Enforcement, Jonathan Easterling jeasterling@centerton.us
Do I need a permit for a Carport?
Depends, will it be attached to home? a site plan showing building setbacks, easements, any utilities, ect.
is it detached? If so, a site plan is required for location on property. It is required that you show all dimensions, setbacks, easements. utilities, etc. This may require planning approval.
For all questions regarding easements. Building Setbacks, Lots, Subdivision requirements, contact Centerton Planning Department, planning@centertonar.us or Lorene Burns lburns@centertonar.us
Do I need a permit to enclose Garage?
Yes. Garages are storage and converting to a livable space will require compliance for egress, lighting, electrical, mechanical and energy codes.
Do I need a permit to add / replace siding, brick, etc. on residence?
Do I need a permit to paint my residence?
Do I need a permit for a Swimming Pool?
Yes, for in-ground pools only. Please refer to Ord. 2019-08.
Do I need a permit to Re-Roof my residence?
No, however, shall comply with code section R907. New roof coverings shall not be installed without first removing all existing layers. The structural roof components shall be capable of supporting the roof covering system and the material and equipment loads that will be encountered during installation of the roof covering system.
Do I need a permit to add on a room to residence?
Yes, building plans, site plan, and permit application will be required.
Do I need a permit to change out Water Heater?
Yes, this will need to comply with current Plumbing Code.
Do I need a permit to change out electrical panel or meter box?
Yes, must comply with the current Electrical Code.
Do I need a permit to change our Air Condition / Furnace(HVAC)?
Yes, a load calculation is required along with permit application. Must conply with current Mechanical Code.
Do I need a permit for a Storm Shelter?
Yes, a permit application, site plan and FEMA approved plans is required for submittal and reviewed.
New Resident Resources
How do I sign up to receive Alerts and News & Notices?
Simply click the "Sign Up for Alerts" button located ……fill out the brief form with your preferred contact information and click submit
Where do I go to vote?
All City elections are conducted by the City of Centerton please visit the elections page for locations and upcoming election information.